| | 0002041 | | minor | new | 2008-01-20 | Rename SVN/MIDI (trunk) to 3.0 |
| | 0002007 | 1 | minor | new | 2008-01-04 | better handling of paths to embedded sources |
| | 0002005 | | feature | new | 2008-01-02 | helping gcc's autovectorizer |
| | 0002001 | | major | new | 2007-12-30 | Set Sync to Region End |
| | 0001999 | 1 | major | new | 2007-12-29 | export range markers to audiofile |
| | 0001998 | | minor | new | 2007-12-24 | PERFORMER field for whole CD should be supported by Ardour |
| | 0001990 | 1 | minor | new | 2007-12-21 | Audio setup should not display "JackRouter" as a possible CoreAudio device |
| | 0001995 | | minor | new | 2007-12-19 | full / short for new crossfade preference initially wrong |
| | 0001984 | | feature | new | 2007-12-09 | re-enable flac support for libsndfile |
| | 0001837 | 1 | feature | new | 2007-12-09 | Delete Playlists |
| | 0001966 | | minor | new | 2007-11-20 | freeze failure notifications |
| | 0001965 | | minor | new | 2007-11-20 | freezing tracks with 16 or 24 bit precision integer may result in clipping |
| | 0001963 | | crash | new | 2007-11-19 | ardour segfaults when freezing while playback is running |
| | 0001962 | | tweak | new | 2007-11-18 | cpu usage of muted/soloed busses |
| | 0001776 | 1 | minor | new | 2007-11-12 | Import windows larger than 1366px |
| | 0001950 | | crash | new | 2007-11-09 | unselecting powermate from control surfaces menu crashes ardour 2.1 |
| | 0001949 | | minor | new | 2007-11-06 | Ardour slows down when scrolling between multiple tracks |
| | 0001902 | | minor | new | 2007-11-05 | nice to have the audio import dialog keyboard-able |
| | 0001929 | | minor | new | 2007-10-21 | Jack ports aliases |
| | 0001921 | | minor | new | 2007-10-14 | Current application icon doesn't follow the standards. |
| | 0001905 | 1 | minor | new | 2007-10-12 | Illegal toc marker at 00000 |
| | 0001917 | | minor | new | 2007-10-10 | Playlist not persistent |
| | 0001915 | 2 | major | new | 2007-10-10 | Empty-track-background 'disappears' |
| | 0001911 | 1 | minor | new | 2007-10-09 | Selection list off-screen |
| | 0001910 | 1 | minor | new | 2007-10-09 | Empty range marker ruler issue(s) |
| | 0001907 | 1 | minor | new | 2007-10-09 | Zoom-previous would be greatt |
| | 0001909 | | major | new | 2007-10-08 | . & , keys erratic |
| | 0001906 | | minor | new | 2007-10-08 | Export false overwrite warning |
| | 0001901 | | minor | new | 2007-10-04 | Can't select type of marker export |
| | 0001885 | | minor | new | 2007-09-22 | Be able to select some marks together, i.e. to move them... |
| | 0001218 | 2 | major | new | 2007-09-22 | Ardour sometimes messages up editor view, and scroll bar way too big |
| | 0001882 | 1 | minor | new | 2007-09-22 | Control-Center-Click does not work on ClickBox GUI elements, so no MIDI CC's for those |
| | 0001880 | 1 | crash | new | 2007-09-20 | Crash when changing snapshots and using midi control for transport |
| | 0001855 | 5 | crash | | 2007-09-09 | Crash on Playback of Automation Data |
| | 0001836 | 1 | crash | | 2007-09-09 | Update Control Surface with Moving Busses |
| | 0001845 | 1 | crash | new | 2007-09-05 | Crashes when freezing tracks with vst plugins |
| | 0001843 | | minor | new | 2007-08-25 | Plugin Automation Does not write with Midi Controlled parameters |
| | 0001839 | | feature | new | 2007-08-23 | Snapshot Naming should inherit previous session file name |
| | 0001838 | | feature | new | 2007-08-23 | Group Snapshots |
| | 0001822 | | minor | new | 2007-08-08 | Ennoying popup when CPU too slow |
| | 0001819 | | minor | new | 2007-08-07 | Cannot add automation points on a line |
| | 0001803 | 2 | minor | new | 2007-08-06 | 'no gui' option wanted for vst plugins. |
| | 0001810 | | minor | new | 2007-08-04 | multiple pasting of automation causes NaN output |
| | 0001806 | 2 | minor | new | 2007-08-03 | time jumps when pressing play while rew/ffwd |
| | 0001722 | 3 | major | new | 2007-08-03 | 2.0.2 : Import Window overflows of the screen, with french locales again ! |
| | 0001801 | | feature | new | 2007-08-01 | import/export 'ardour archive' |
| | 0001800 | | feature | new | 2007-08-01 | Threaded Plugin Selection Dialog |
| | 0001794 | | minor | new | 2007-07-25 | Can't record from 'zero' on time line. Have to start a bar or so ahead. |
| | 0001786 | 1 | minor | new | 2007-07-24 | SCONS fails to check on the version of ALSA |
| | 0001788 | | feature | new | 2007-07-21 | Extend lines from first and last automation points infinitely in both directions. |