| | 0001103 | 4 | feature | acknowledged | 2010-06-23 | vertical scaling/zooming of waveform view |
| | 0003274 | | major | acknowledged | 2010-06-23 | Better record path management |
| | 0003271 | | minor | acknowledged | 2010-06-23 | Support export of multiple individual tracks |
| | 0003270 | | minor | acknowledged | 2010-06-23 | Composite regions |
| | 0003119 | 4 | trivial | acknowledged | 2010-06-23 | Stretch 2 or more regions simultaneously |
| | 0003262 | | minor | acknowledged | 2010-06-23 | move several tracks at once in the mixer window |
| | 0003116 | 1 | minor | new | 2010-06-21 | track names beginning or ending with accented chars |
| | 0003241 | 1 | minor | resolved | 2010-06-16 | Can not use keyboard in effects settings |
| | 0003238 | | crash | new | 2010-06-13 | Crash on recording stop |
| | 0003231 | | minor | new | 2010-06-08 | Ardour on OSX doesn't read user's config |
| | 0002869 | 1 | minor | new | 2010-06-08 | Scons does not warn about missing aubio headers; errors during build |
| | 0003217 | 3 | minor | | 2010-06-05 | dragging clock is behind the regions area |
| | 0003213 | | major | new | 2010-06-03 | ardour failes to reconnect ports to jack, name of client changed to ardour-01 |
| | 0003218 | | minor | new | 2010-06-02 | cursor shape out of sync |
| | 0003160 | 5 | crash | feedback | 2010-05-22 | some sessions crash during opening |
| | 0003161 | | major | new | 2010-05-21 | Vanishing volume graph on multi-channel files |
| | 0003153 | 1 | tweak | new | 2010-05-19 | Newly recorded regions should never use 'long' crossfades |
| | 0003152 | | minor | new | 2010-05-19 | Audio Files lose timesync during multiple file batch import |
| | 0003148 | | minor | new | 2010-05-18 | locations window changes lost without warning on exiting ardour |
| | 0002511 | 2 | minor | confirmed | 2010-05-17 | Sends: panning controls |
| | 0003127 | 1 | crash | new | 2010-05-13 | Scrolling with horizontal bar while transport plays freezes ardour |
| | 0003114 | 3 | major | feedback | 2010-05-10 | Audio clip whenever transport hits region bounds/splits or stops |
| | 0001531 | 2 | minor | confirmed | 2010-05-09 | "open new track" bounded to that workspace, from within i open that dialog for the first time in the session |
| | 0003118 | | minor | new | 2010-05-09 | White theme - Some text not visible in mixer window |
| | 0001799 | 1 | minor | new | 2010-05-09 | plugin selection dialog should remember the choice type |
| | 0003110 | 3 | minor | confirmed | 2010-05-09 | "Export selected regions to audiofile..." exports only first selected region |
| | 0003113 | | feature | new | 2010-05-08 | Start play after x seconds |
| | 0001495 | 1 | minor | acknowledged | 2010-05-07 | maximize edit screen disables mixer window shortcuts and menu-item |
| | 0002644 | 3 | minor | feedback | 2010-05-07 | Segfault when loading plugin with 1 input after plugin with 0 outputs |
| | 0002307 | 2 | minor | new | 2010-05-06 | in F11 mode, if asked to open recent session, ardour becomes irresponsible |
| | 0001738 | 1 | minor | acknowledged | 2010-05-03 | context menu for short crossfades should be reachable in overlapping interval |
| | 0003105 | | minor | new | 2010-05-03 | small region fade out is invisible |
| | 0002649 | 1 | crash | acknowledged | 2010-05-03 | quits unexpectedly |
| | 0002516 | | major | new | 2010-05-03 | Ardour 2.7.1. Fails To Save BCF2000 Controls Over The Plugin Effect Parameters |
| | 0002343 | | crash | new | 2010-05-03 | trying to zoom a very small area of 2 selected tracks crashed ardour |
| | 0001226 | 1 | minor | new | 2010-05-03 | unfreeze brings back too-old plugin settings |
| | 0002647 | 1 | minor | new | 2010-05-03 | LADSPA plugins that crash ardour when loaded |
| | 0001746 | 1 | major | new | 2010-05-03 | at the end of export - ardour deadlocks |
| | 0001834 | | minor | new | 2010-05-03 | gui stops responding when export range fails on write permission |
| | 0001891 | | tweak | new | 2010-05-03 | Unable to write plugin automation from bound MIDI control (2.0-ongoing@2490) |
| | 0000769 | 5 | minor | confirmed | 2010-05-02 | Multiple tempo/meter markers can't be removed from first bar |
| | 0001509 | | minor | new | 2010-05-02 | MTC quarter frame messages are not sent when running in reverse |
| | 0000949 | | minor | new | 2010-05-02 | Midi binding of controls with logarithmic scale |
| | 0001424 | | minor | new | 2010-05-02 | ardour2: multiple midi controllers can be assigned to one fader - unmapping doesn't work |
| | 0002837 | | major | new | 2010-05-02 | MIDI control bug |
| | 0001667 | | tweak | new | 2010-05-02 | Generic MIDI Control surface consumes too much CPU |
| | 0002455 | 4 | major | feedback | 2010-05-02 | Bugs with AU automation |
| | 0002748 | 2 | minor | feedback | 2010-05-02 | Loop doesn't loop |
| | 0002588 | 1 | minor | confirmed | 2010-05-02 | unglue from bars:beats not possible |
| | 0002049 | 1 | minor | feedback | 2010-05-02 | Certain LV2 plugin values non-editable with LC_NUMERIC=sv_SE.UTF-8 |