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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005616ardourotherpublic2013-10-18 18:04
Reporterx42 Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0005616: metering ideas/bugs/etc
DescriptionA collection of notes related to meter+bridge
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0005601 closedx42 Include a master meter in the toolbar 



2013-07-24 22:40

administrator   ~0015177

Last edited: 2013-07-28 21:47

Don't reset meter when input changes.

edit: fixed now


2013-07-25 01:51

reporter   ~0015178

I'd like to see a feature to automatically switch to a specified meter type on metering a track's input/a track being record enabled.


2013-07-26 13:23

reporter   ~0015183

Last edited: 2013-07-29 21:27

I have just noticed a issue with the meterbridge and toolbar meter colours after they peak. I have posted about it here and included a screenshot -

edit: fixed in 3.3-62-g069fd15


2013-07-28 21:48

administrator   ~0015194

Last edited: 2013-07-29 21:26

allow to resize meterbridge label height (small, med, large | fit)

edit: implemented in 3.3-87-g741bb8e


2013-07-30 13:17

reporter   ~0015197

Two things I've noticed that I thought I'd add note of -

If the meterbridge window is open before adding any tracks, it won't expand, width wise, to accommodate them. However, if the tracks are added before opening the window, it will accommodate them when the window is opened. Any tracks added after that do not expand the window and you have to slide over to get to them. This has caught me out a few times when i didn't see the level of a track I expected to see. Once you open the meterbridge, it will no longer expand upon adding any new tracks, even if you close it and reopen it.

Also, I've noticed that the meterbridge only allows for audio and midi tracks but not buses. Is this something that is deliberately left out or are there plans for something like this in the future?


2013-07-30 14:43

administrator   ~0015198

re: 0015197 (2nd part)

Busses (and master bus and midi-tracks) display can be toggled in
Session > Properties > Meterbridge


2013-07-30 14:47

administrator   ~0015199

re: 0015197 (1st part - window size)

Automatic window-resize is a tricky issue with gtk/gdk. In particular here where the meter-width is not fixed (but depends on the type, number of metric-areas and channels).

The current model gets it mostly right most of the time, which is arguably worse than not trying to resize the window at all.

The idea so far is: resize the window to fit all visible meter IF the scrollbar was not previously visible AND the resulting window-size is smaller than screen.


2013-07-30 19:09

reporter   ~0015200

Thanks x42 for answering those questions. I seem to have missed those options in the meterbridge tab and I can understand what you're saying about window resizing.

Another thought while I was using the meterbridge was in regards to groups and track types. There's no indication as to which meters belong to active groups. Same goes for tracks, there's no distinction between audio, midi and bus tracks. Could additional coloured boxes/lines work to indicate these so that it's easier/quicker to distinguish which tracks are which? I've attached a mock up of what I’m trying to explain.

2013-07-30 19:09


meterbridgeidea.png (197,582 bytes)   
meterbridgeidea.png (197,582 bytes)   


2013-07-31 20:15

reporter   ~0015204

I've just noticed a little something else with the meterbridge. Sometimes after removing a track that is beside other tracks that are using different meter types, the meter markers from the removed track remain. I've attached an image of how this looks. Here's how I replicated it -

Add 3 audio tracks
Open meterbridge
Change track 2 and 3 to the same meter type
Delete track 1
See result in screenshot attached

I am not sure if it happens in other scenarios but it seems to consistently happen when it's the first track that is removed and if it is beside tracks using a different meter type.

Another observation is that it seem to only happen when there are multiple tracks to the right that share the same meter type, hence why I say to add 3 tracks to replicate the issue. Adding 2 tracks will not replicate this.

Closing and reopening the meterbridge doesn't resolve the issue however, adding more tracks to the session removes the markers left by the deleted track.

2013-07-31 20:15


metermarkers.png (29,030 bytes)   
metermarkers.png (29,030 bytes)   


2013-08-01 01:19

administrator   ~0015205

re: 0015204 (invalid metric after track deletion)

fixed in 3.3-119-gad8ffab


2013-08-08 18:50

reporter   ~0015247

Regarding the meterbridge window, would it make sense to lock the position of the master meter on the right hand side, similar to how the master track is locked in place in the mixer window? Or the have the option to view it this way? Just a thought.


2013-09-09 14:11

reporter   ~0015314

Just noticed an issue with the metering that happens sometimes, but not always. If you add an audio track, after a midi track, and you monitor the input of the newly added audio track using the editor mixer, it sometimes doesn't use the meter colours for an audio track. Instead it uses the colours from the midi input read out. I'll attach a screenshot of the issue.

2013-09-09 14:12


wrong meter colours.png (29,265 bytes)   
wrong meter colours.png (29,265 bytes)   


2013-10-18 18:04

administrator   ~0015407

Ardour 3.5 release concludes initial meterbridge development.

Further feature-requests and bug-reports should get their own report.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-07-24 21:12 x42 New Issue
2013-07-24 22:40 x42 Note Added: 0015177
2013-07-25 01:52 the_CLA Note Added: 0015178
2013-07-26 13:23 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015183
2013-07-28 21:47 x42 Note Edited: 0015177
2013-07-28 21:48 x42 Note Added: 0015194
2013-07-28 21:48 x42 Note Edited: 0015194
2013-07-29 21:26 x42 Note Edited: 0015194
2013-07-29 21:27 x42 Note Edited: 0015183
2013-07-30 13:17 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015197
2013-07-30 14:43 x42 Note Added: 0015198
2013-07-30 14:47 x42 Note Added: 0015199
2013-07-30 19:09 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015200
2013-07-30 19:09 Leatuspenguin File Added: meterbridgeidea.png
2013-07-31 20:15 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015204
2013-07-31 20:15 Leatuspenguin File Added: metermarkers.png
2013-08-01 01:19 x42 Note Added: 0015205
2013-08-01 01:19 x42 Relationship added related to 0005601
2013-08-08 18:50 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015247
2013-09-09 14:11 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015314
2013-09-09 14:12 Leatuspenguin File Added: wrong meter colours.png
2013-10-18 18:04 x42 Note Added: 0015407
2013-10-18 18:04 x42 Status new => closed
2013-10-18 18:04 x42 Resolution open => fixed