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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005601ardourfeaturespublic2013-09-05 17:22
ReporterLeatuspenguin Assigned Tox42  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.0 
Summary0005601: Include a master meter in the toolbar
DescriptionJust saw a new feature in pro tools that I thought was very handy. It's the addition of a master meter in the toolbar. There are loads of places in Ardour when you can check the master meter level, and the meterbridge is really looking good, however, it would be nice to always have a view of the master meter. If you're working in the mixing window, you will always have this but if you are using the editing window, you don't have a master meter in constant view.

The addition of a master meter in the toolbar, or elsewhere on the editor window that would be constantly visible, would allow you to keep a constant eye on your levels. Also, it would be very easy to see if you are nearing clipping with the new meter types that have hard colours and not gradients anymore.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0005616 closed metering ideas/bugs/etc 


2013-07-20 20:45


master meter.png (64,366 bytes)   
master meter.png (64,366 bytes)   


2013-07-24 20:21

administrator   ~0015176

first version (fixed to display master) is implemented in 3.3-42-ge469ce0


2013-07-26 12:56

reporter   ~0015181

Last edited: 2013-07-26 12:59

Just tested this out and it's looking good. I understand it's just a first version but thought I'd report something I noticed. When the master bus peaks and turns red, and after the toolbar meter has fallen off to zero, the bottom half of the meter is grey/not coloured. I also noticed when this happens, the issue also appears in the meterbridge. This does not appear to affect the master bus in the mixer window. Screenshot it attached.

Also, would it be possible to reset the metering after it peaks by clicking on the toolbar meter itself?

2013-07-26 12:57


Selection_003.png (24,347 bytes)   
Selection_003.png (24,347 bytes)   


2013-07-26 15:44

administrator   ~0015184

Thanks for the heads-up.
The background issue is fixed in 3.3-62-g069fd15


2013-07-26 16:10

administrator   ~0015185

clicking on the level meter resets the peak-hold indicator (the small bar in the meter).

The red-background is linked to the all-time-peak (the numerical button in the mixer-window, and the gray/red button in the meterbridge).

Since the meters in the editor-window don't have that button, one possible solution would be to make "double-click on meter" act as "reset all time-max".

Personally I like having a dedicated button to reset that. Double-click would be too easy..


2013-07-26 17:16

reporter   ~0015187

Double-click would be too easy? I think it wouldn't be very obvious :)

I do think though that a dedicated button would be the best option, both for being more obvious and also being consistent with how the other meters reset themselves.


2013-07-26 17:26

administrator   ~0015188

The problem with a dedicated button is screen-space in the editor-window.

The meters in the track-header as well as the toolbar are already quite short. taking 12-16 px height for the button away would make them even shorter.

A button next to the meters may be an option..


2013-08-01 13:05

reporter   ~0015206

I've added a mock up of a button/bar beside the toolbar meter. When you said a button beside the meter I initially thought of a small button similar in size to the meterbridge reset button. Not sure what you had in mind but I was just thinking if a vertical button/bar alongside the meter would work, if that's not what you already had in mind :)

First of all, because it's a short meter and only an indication of where your level is, in the upper limits, it's not always perfectly clear if it has peaked (while the meter is still active) as the gradient in the background is darker at the top. If you are looking straight at it you would notice but there should be a strong indication that you have peaked, something that you can't miss.

A vertical bar down the side, that turns the same shade of red as the peak read out box on the channel strips would be a strong visual that you have peaked. Something like this would also be big enough to press on to reset.

2013-08-01 13:06


toolbarmeterpeak.png (6,065 bytes)   
toolbarmeterpeak.png (6,065 bytes)   


2013-08-03 12:49

administrator   ~0015226

Indeed, I had a button above the meters in mind.

button on the side - as per mockup - was added in 3.3-143-gc06a3a6

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-07-20 20:45 Leatuspenguin New Issue
2013-07-20 20:45 Leatuspenguin File Added: master meter.png
2013-07-24 20:21 x42 Note Added: 0015176
2013-07-26 12:56 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015181
2013-07-26 12:57 Leatuspenguin File Added: Selection_003.png
2013-07-26 12:59 Leatuspenguin Note Edited: 0015181
2013-07-26 15:44 x42 Note Added: 0015184
2013-07-26 16:10 x42 Note Added: 0015185
2013-07-26 17:16 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015187
2013-07-26 17:26 x42 Note Added: 0015188
2013-08-01 01:19 x42 Relationship added related to 0005616
2013-08-01 02:34 x42 Status new => assigned
2013-08-01 02:34 x42 Assigned To => x42
2013-08-01 13:05 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015206
2013-08-01 13:06 Leatuspenguin File Added: toolbarmeterpeak.png
2013-08-03 12:49 x42 Note Added: 0015226
2013-09-05 17:22 Leatuspenguin Status assigned => closed
2013-09-05 17:22 Leatuspenguin Resolution open => fixed