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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009620ardourfeaturespublic2024-02-29 08:56
Reporter9427421240 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version8.2 
Summary0009620: Delay the display of the MIDI-info at the pointer while entering MIDI-notes and automation (or add a setting for it)
DescriptionWhile entering MIDI-notes with a (mouse-)pointer, Ardour displays information about the Note (note-name, note-number, channel, velocity, length) that will be added or is pointed at.
That info partially blocks the view towards the bottom-right of the pointer, and the text is changing/flickering quickly between note-names and numbers while moving the pointer in the MIDI-region.

Only showing the info after the pointer is not moving for a short time (~0.5-1 seconds), would prevent the flickering and the view-blocking while moving the pointer.
Additionally, fading the info in/out quickly (~50-100ms) would probably make it less distracting than the instant-change it does now.

A similar change could be applied to automation-point-info.
Moving the pointer along a drawn automation-curve with many densely placed points can also result in a flickering info-text.
The pointer also flickers a lot while doing that.

Alternatively, there could be an option to change the delay or to completely disable the info-text.
Steps To ReproduceMIDI-notes:
Add a MIDI-region, make it large enough, move the pointer up and down across notes while in pencil-mode (or move the cursor over existing notes, going past them, while in edit-mode).

Add an automation-track to a MIDI-region, make it large enough, draw a curvy line to have a dense group of automation-points lined up, move the pointer along the automation points.
TagsAccessibility, automation, Editor, Midi, workflow



2024-02-29 08:56

reporter   ~0028575

The flickering text in the piano-roll-editor makes me unable to compose/sequence/edit with the piano-roll-editor.
I usually quickly got a headache from that flickering when i tried to use the piano-roll-editor, because the flickering text is very distracting while i need to focus and do things quickly.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-25 14:26 9427421240 New Issue
2024-01-25 14:26 9427421240 Tag Attached: Accessibility
2024-01-25 14:26 9427421240 Tag Attached: automation
2024-01-25 14:26 9427421240 Tag Attached: Editor
2024-01-25 14:26 9427421240 Tag Attached: Midi
2024-02-29 08:56 9427421240 Note Added: 0028575
2024-02-29 08:56 9427421240 File Added: Ardour-MIDI-info-text-flickering.webm
2024-02-29 08:56 9427421240 Tag Attached: workflow