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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006208ardourbugspublic2020-04-19 20:17
Reportermashworth Assigned Tox42  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0006208: Ardour 3.5.403 and 3.5.4803-dbg (nightly build) crash when loading a large wav file
DescriptionI installed each (one at a time) one on Ubuntu Studio 14.04.2 LTS. When I tried to import a large wav file they crashed. The older version of Ardour that came with Ubuntu Studio was able to import the file but popped up an error message each time I tried to play it.
Additional InformationStarting Ardour in a console and reading the info just before shutdown...

caught signal - shutting down.
playback :
  nchan : 2
  fsamp : 48000
  fsize : 1024
  nfrag : 2
  format : S32_LE
capture :
  nchan : 2
  fsamp : 48000
  fsize : 1024
  nfrag : 2
  format : S32_LE
MIDI Clock in new MIDI buffer of size 8192
MIDI Clock out new MIDI buffer of size 8192
MIDI control in new MIDI buffer of size 8192
MIDI control out new MIDI buffer of size 8192
MMC in new MIDI buffer of size 8192
MMC out new MIDI buffer of size 8192
MTC in new MIDI buffer of size 8192
MTC out new MIDI buffer of size 8192
Scene in new MIDI buffer of size 8192
Scene out new MIDI buffer of size 8192
auditioner/midi_out 1 new MIDI buffer of size 8192
ardour-3.5.4803: ../libs/ardour/ ARDOUR::Location::Location(ARDOUR::Session&, ARDOUR::framepos_t, ARDOUR::framepos_t, const std::string&, ARDOUR::Location::Flags): Assertion `_start >= 0' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
TagsNo tags attached.



2015-03-22 02:56

administrator   ~0016461

could you please provide the output of

sndfile-info /path/to/the/large_wav_file.wav


2015-03-22 03:15

administrator   ~0016462


  sndfile-info -b file.wav

assuming you chose to import "Insert at: file timestamp". Does ardour also assert/exit if you choose
"Insert at: session start" ?


2015-03-22 05:58

reporter   ~0016463

The wav files I'm loading were exported by Presonus Capture running on a Mac.
me$ sndfile-info -b Ch\ 1.wav

Version : libsndfile-1.0.25

Description :
Originator :
Origination ref :
Origination date : 2015-03-0
Origination time : 17-41-1
Time ref : 0xfffffffffffc5680 (384307168202277.312500 seconds)
BWF version : 1
Coding history :

I started Jack and then tried to start Ardour version and got the following message: "Could not reconnect to the Audio/MIDI engine"

I opened the default Ubuntu Studio version and was able to load all the files when I chose Insert at: session start". I closed that and tried again and for some reason it worked. Using "Insert at: session start" I was able to load all the files.

The navigation is working better for me in the new version. I hope I can get it started again. I'd really like to use it.


2015-03-22 15:20

administrator   ~0016464

Since 3.5-4819-gfbe673d ardour ignores negative timestamps and prints a warning.

Time ref : 0xfffffffffffc5680 # this is really a bug in Presonus Capture. According to the spec timestamp is always positive counting from 'midnight' or 00:00:00:00.

Date: 2015-03-0 March zero? yeah.

The software that wrote this wav file header must either put some custom information in there (no-spec) or intentionally break interoperability. There's nothing we can do about this. Except print a warning and have the user choose to ignore the information or do


2015-03-22 20:34

reporter   ~0016466

OK. Thanks for the suggestion about Insert at: session start. I'm thrilled to finally be using Ardour to mix down. I hope to use it at my next show for recording and not have to import files from other applications.

I believe that some of my trouble is caused by configuration and path conflicts with Ubuntu Studio. Have to figure that out.


2020-04-19 20:17

developer   ~0023420

Issue has been closed automatically, by Trigger Close Plugin.
Feel free to re-open with additional information if you think the issue is not resolved.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-03-21 21:43 mashworth New Issue
2015-03-22 02:56 x42 Note Added: 0016461
2015-03-22 03:15 x42 Note Added: 0016462
2015-03-22 05:58 mashworth Note Added: 0016463
2015-03-22 15:20 x42 Note Added: 0016464
2015-03-22 15:20 x42 Status new => resolved
2015-03-22 15:20 x42 Resolution open => fixed
2015-03-22 15:20 x42 Assigned To => x42
2015-03-22 20:34 mashworth Note Added: 0016466
2020-04-19 20:17 system Note Added: 0023420
2020-04-19 20:17 system Status resolved => closed