View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005592ardourbugspublic2013-07-21 10:08
ReporterLeatuspenguin Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionwon't fix 
Product Version3.0 
Summary0005592: Adding stereo plugins to mono tracks makes channel strip extra wide
DescriptionAdding any stereo plugin to a mono track makes the channel strip, in the mixer window, extra wide. Toggling the width of the channel strip to thin and back again to wide, resolves the issue and brings it back to the normal width for a stereo channel strip, in line with the width of the master out channel.

This is in the Ardour 3.3 bundle.
TagsNo tags attached.


2013-07-17 16:10


Selection_001.png (30,450 bytes)   
Selection_001.png (30,450 bytes)   


2013-07-19 09:31

reporter   ~0015139

3.3-13-g649cf18 has greatly improved this although the channel strip still gets wider, albeit a lot less, when adding a stereo plugin.


2013-07-20 16:33

administrator   ~0015144

Stereo meters are wider since 3.2 and IMHO they should be.

One solution to make the track-width independent of the channel count would be to add more padding to the mono-meters. OTOH that does not scale for 3 channels or more anyway.

Is the current (>= 3.3.13) behavior inconvenient in some way so that it should be changed..?

otherwise I'd mark this as wont-fix.


2013-07-20 18:53

reporter   ~0015145

Last edited: 2013-07-20 19:35

So this is intentional? It's not inconvenient at all but I thought it looked odd but if it's a feature, that's cool. So the purpose is to allow for extra width for extra channel meters?


2013-07-21 09:54

administrator   ~0015146

It is a side-effect.

The intention is to make meters more legible: In normal (not-narrow) mode 5px wide for each stereo channel and 10px for mono. Plus border.

The meterbridge even uses 6 and 12 pixels respectively.

Another motivation is to balance the meter-width with the 24px wide meter-metrics (dB scale).

Those width were found empirically by Chris 'oofus' G. and myself during the 3.2.X devel cycle.

Anyway, the general layout & design will change (again) in the near future with the inclusion of the standard IEC and VU meters in Ardour.

They will have a fixed color schema and design according to specs. (See the "Vertical Bargraph PPMs: comparison of IEC 60268 PPM scales" at ).

General integration and mixer-strip oddities should be addressed after that.


2013-07-21 10:08

reporter   ~0015147

Thanks for the feedback. I guess this isn't relevant for now then. I'm liking where the metering is going though :)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-07-17 16:10 Leatuspenguin New Issue
2013-07-17 16:10 Leatuspenguin File Added: Selection_001.png
2013-07-19 09:31 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015139
2013-07-20 16:33 x42 Note Added: 0015144
2013-07-20 18:53 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015145
2013-07-20 19:35 Leatuspenguin Note Edited: 0015145
2013-07-21 09:54 x42 Note Added: 0015146
2013-07-21 10:08 Leatuspenguin Note Added: 0015147
2013-07-21 10:08 Leatuspenguin Status new => closed
2013-07-21 10:08 Leatuspenguin Resolution open => won't fix