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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009894ardourbugspublic2025-02-18 12:29
ReporterWVcxR2EySkl Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformArchOSLinuxOS Version(any)
Product Version8.11 
Summary0009894: Can't adjust some controls in Linux Studio Plugins
DescriptionI am using Linux Studio Plugins VST3 1.2.20.
There are some knobs that cannot be adjusted.
When I try to adjust the value of the knobs, they just jump to and stay at 0.00-0.01 or 0.99-1.00.
The problem is either in plugin's GUI and general controls (via right click a filter -> Edit with generic controls)
Steps To ReproduceThere are some knobs (or, sliders in general control editing window) that have the problem.
- Filter Stereo -> Quality
    Adjusting it makes it stay at 0.00-0.01.
- Oscillator Mono -> DC Offset
    Adjusting it makes it stay at 0.99-1.00.
    After, changing it value to 0 makes it jumps to 0.75.
- Artistic Delay Stereo
    Adjusting any of tempo settings makes it stay at 20 bpm.
    Adjusting "Dry pan"(in the right of the window) makes it stay at 0.4-0.5, basically 0.5.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-18 12:29 WVcxR2EySkl New Issue