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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009849ardourbugspublic2024-12-24 07:21
Reportersound8 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0009849: Ace Fluid Synth - Patches assigned to channels get applied to any soundfonts loaded
DescriptionI apologize because I might be a little confused.
My previous similiar bug report was worked on and closed
Thank you Robin

I think this is going to end up being viewed as the expected behavior, but I just wanted to make sure I understand.

Upon testing, now when you load a soundfont (as long as you do not adjust any channels) and then a different one right after (in the same instance of the plugin) the channels now appear to update correctly, so this has been corrected.
If you change any of the Channel drop downs to different instrument patches within a soundfont, and then load up a different soundfont right after, those patch numbers from the first soundfont you changed, get applied to that new soundfont loaded channels.
So this is the expected behavior?

Kind of two ways to look at this.....
1.) If all the soundfonts are GM style soundfonts where they follow the same / similar instruments linked to specific patch numbers (0-127) then could make sense, because replacing a soundfont in this case would give user the same / similar results to their MIDI channels setup for those specific instruments linked to specific patch numbers.
2.) However, if user is not using all GM style soundfonts, meaning some soundfonts you are loading contain multiple patches but are not using the GM based format, and decides to replace a soundfont with a different one, then this behavior might not be desired because would probably want the soundfonts channels to be reset instead.

As per your response to my other bug report, I know the soundfont itself is not remembering the channels, but it is Ardour that is making the decision to remember the channel patch numbers as oppose to resetting them each time a new soundfont is loaded.
So the expected behavior (what Ardour is using currently by default) is to use the approach mentioned in 1.) above?

If this is correct, then you can close report.
Thank You
Tagsfluid synth, fluidsynth, soundfont



2024-11-11 16:13

administrator   ~0029120

> If you change any of the Channel drop downs to different instrument patches within a soundfont, and then load up a different soundfont right after, those patch numbers from the first soundfont you changed, get applied to that new soundfont loaded channels.

if you explicitly request: MIDI channel N should play bank M, patch P, that will be the case regardless of the soundfont.

Say you have a MIDI file that contains patch changes at the beginning. Those may or may not be for General MIDI.
Changing the soundfont must retain the most recently received bank/patches, otherwise you get a different sound when rewinding and playing though the patch changes.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-10 21:01 sound8 New Issue
2024-11-10 21:01 sound8 Tag Attached: fluid synth
2024-11-10 21:01 sound8 Tag Attached: fluidsynth
2024-11-10 21:01 sound8 Tag Attached: soundfont
2024-11-11 16:13 x42 Note Added: 0029120