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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0009844 | ardour | bugs | public | 2024-11-03 19:02 | 2024-12-24 07:22 |
Reporter | seablade | Assigned To | |||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | new | Resolution | open | ||
Product Version | Mixbus 10.x | ||||
Summary | 0009844: Issue when renaming session folder with '/' in the name | ||||
Description | Seablade So Forward Slash in a session name/folder probably still a bad idea right? Seablade I suspect this student may have created the session on Windows and is trying to transfer to Mac las Seablade: pretty sure we do not allow it? (not that sure, though) Seablade Yea not sure exactly what she did to get it honestly, may have renamed the folder after copying it? Seablade But either way, it causes the session to be unable to be loaded as on reading we filter the character from the directory folder, and as a result it doesn't matter what we do it can never find the interchange folder to find the audio files Seablade Not sure the best answer here as a better option moving forward. It isn't obvious why the session isn't loading, and why you can't add the interchange folder to the search path when it fails Seablade I am guessing a custom error message when '/' is part of a directory name? x42 it's replaced when you add that Seablade Right but I think they may have added it outside of Ardour, and then tried to reopen the session Seablade A few question marks here on my end I know:) x42 <>:"/\|?*" are not allowed Seablade So if opening a session that is located in the folder "ClassSession_Wells 10/17" fails as it can't find audio files, and you can't add the intersession folder to find the audio files due to the '/' x42 also on windows file names cannot end with a space or dot. so that's also removed Seablade Rename the folder to "ClassSession_Wells" and it opens fine though obvously x42 oh I see x42 the user create a folder with "/" in the name. and then saved a session in that place? Seablade Close... Seablade They save the session, then rename the root of the session folder x42 that's even worse x42 one should never ever do that. We have save-as for that Seablade So the .ardour file is 'ClassSession_Wells 10/17/ClassSession_Wells.ardour' Seablade I agree x42 In theory the session should still load thouhg Seablade The question is can we give them a better error message so they don't think their session is completely screwed Seablade It doesn't Seablade Confirmed here, until I renamed the session folder to get rid of the '/' and just called it ClassSession_Wells it wouldn't load x42 odd. Seablade More correctly it wouldn't find any audio files x42 if there's a single interchange folder it should be fine Seablade And you couldn't add the interchange folder to find the audio files x42 if there is only one folder in there, Ardour uses it regardless of the name Seablade (It just wouldn't find the audio files and looking at the search paths listed in the dialog they would be incorrect due to the '/' placement) x42 that's how snapshots work, you may have Foo/Bar.ardour if you save snapshots x42 anyway x42 Seablade: what is the error message when loading the session? Seablade Right, the theory is there and sound, but it can't find it due to the forward slash int he directory name Seablade 'Cannot find the audio file....' x42 ah. ok Seablade Gimme a sec to upload the screenshot somewhere itll make more sense when you see the search path Seablade <EDITED: Attached to Bug Report> x42 Seablade: how about you attach it to a bug report on the tracker? Seablade Compare the search path to the path I mention above Seablade Heh I can do that, will copy in this conversation | ||||
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