View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009731ardourbugspublic2024-06-27 13:12
Reporterwargreen Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformDebian GNUOSLinuxOS Version(any)
Product Version8.6 
Summary0009731: Double-click on region alway open parameters for first selected region
DescriptionIf multiple regions are selected, double-click on a region always open the parameter window for first region.

But if we just disable this, we can't open parameters if region are grouped.
TagsEditor, regions



2024-06-27 10:17

reporter   ~0028804

Hi, i just tested with grouped regions.
it behaves like OP described (If multiple regions are selected, double-click on a region always open the parameter window for first region.)


2024-06-27 13:12

reporter   ~0028805

This happen every time that many regions are selected.
Direct selection, multiple selection via grouped tracks, grouped clips...

It lead lot of mistakes, we think to edit gain (for exemple) of a clip that we've clicked on, but it is another... !

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-26 22:02 wargreen New Issue
2024-06-26 22:02 wargreen Tag Attached: Editor
2024-06-26 22:02 wargreen Tag Attached: regions
2024-06-27 10:17 dspasic Note Added: 0028804
2024-06-27 13:12 wargreen Note Added: 0028805