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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009619ardourbugspublic2024-09-07 01:25
Reporterbonsembiante Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformUbuntuOSLinuxOS Version(any)
Product Version8.2 
Summary0009619: VST3 non-optimal calls to plugin methods worsen DSP performance
DescriptionTesting different setups to achieve low latency audio processing on Linux with Windows VST plugins (using yabridge), I discovered a significant difference between Reaper and Ardour performance when changing VST3 parameters. Both programs works well when I don't change any plugin parameter, but in Ardour when I make continuous and sudden changes of a parameter, lets say Master Volume knob in the plugin GUI, audio starts to sounds full of missing samples (a lot of jitter, multiples xruns). Also DSP load meter goes through 100%. When I stop moving the parameter, everything goes stable again. It is important to say that this problem is audible when I use a very low buffer size (32 samples for buffer and 44.1 kHz of sampling freq.). I did the tests with same OS.

Intrigued with that performance difference between Reaper and Ardour, I did some debug with Yabridge option to log method calls. I found that Ardour make many calls (between 7 or 8) to some methods for each plugin "performEdit" call to host, as opposed to Reaper that only makes 1 call after each "performEdit". I cloned Ardour repo, and commented two lines on libs/ardour/ -> VST3PI::performEdit method: the call to normalizedParamToPlain and to OnParameterChange. This, of course, left me with no parameter synchronization inside Ardour state but also with no method calls after each "performEdit" call from plugin and also removed the jitter problem (and DSP load stop to increase on each parameter continuous and sudden change).

I have been a software developer for several years and I'm really available to make the necessary changes in Ardour code to fix this issue, but as it is my first time getting into Ardour code I thought that It would be important to share my analysis here so we can get the best approach for it.
Additional InformationIn order to evidence the issue, I did a bunch of tests using:

Ardour version: 8.2.85 (dbg) master version (latest commit cefab85dabcbee7ede26808a880b0265e5817472)
OS: Ubuntu 22.04
Audio device: Onboard, 2 periods, 1024 samples @ 48kHz [image attached: audio_device_config.png]
Yabridge version: 5.1.0
Wine version: 9.0 (Staging)
VST3 Plugin: Warmy EP1A v2 (Windows binary) [image attached: warmy_screenshot.png]

I ran ardev with environment variable YABRIDGE_DEBUG_LEVEL=1,+editor so a got yabridge debug info in stderr with plugin <-> host method calls.
I created only one Audio track and attached a instance of the VST plugin. Later, I prepared the stderr and then clicked in reset button of DSP meter. Almost inmediatly after that I moved the "Boost knob" of the plugin GUI from 0 to 10 and again to 0, moderately fast and in a continuous way. Then I took a screenshot of DPS meter and copied the Yabridge logs where "performEdit" and other method calls were displayed in that window of time when I make the knob movement. The results are the following.

No modified version of Ardour:
Minimum: 0.39 [ms]
Maximum: 5.2 [ms]
Average: 1.362 [ms]
Std.Dev: 0.392 [ms]
[image attached: 20240124_22-21_ardour-dbg-8.2.85_master_warmy_dsp-load.png]
Methods calls:

Modified version of Ardour (with that two lines commented):
Minimum: 0.49 [ms]
Maximum: 2.12 [ms]
Average: 1.261 [ms]
Std.Dev: 0.2 [ms]
[image attached: 20240124_22-35_ardour-dbg-8.2.85_modded_warmy_dsp-load.png]
Methods calls:
Tagslatency, performance, VST3



2024-01-25 04:21


audio_device_config.png (32,905 bytes)   
audio_device_config.png (32,905 bytes)   
warmy_screenshot.png (300,045 bytes)


2024-01-25 04:25

reporter   ~0028472

I will try to make a PR in Github with some code changes for a possible solution but any comments or guidelines that might be helpful for that are welcome.


2024-01-25 04:33

administrator   ~0028473

Can you check that when you use automation, rather than manual changes, this is not an issue?


2024-01-25 04:44

administrator   ~0028474

That is an interesting find. It'd be great to track down where those duplicate calls originate from.


2024-01-25 05:22

reporter   ~0028475

Hi x42, thanks for replying.
I just did the test with the automation thing and yes, is an issue, it has the same behavior.
Also, I forgot to mention that the issue is not present only when using plugin internal GUI but also when using Ardour inline controls for a plugin parameter, but in this case the methods called between host and plugin have not the exact same sequence.

I did a dirty stack trace analysis for each plugin method call from ardour when a parameter is changed, maybe I could do it better so we can understand which core method or something like that is responsible of each plugin method call.

First of all, there are plenty calls to "normalizedParamToPlain" for the same value, so maybe a possible solution could be a kind of mapping where to store the plain value if we already have it. If not, we do the call, but only one time.


2024-01-25 17:37

administrator   ~0028476

So the issue here is that various UI elements in Ardour request parameter conversion (interface_to_internal, internal_to_interface) ?

normalizedParamToPlain is usually cheap, some basic math, at most a few CPU instructions.
Except with yabridge, there is a context switch, which can introduce significant overheard.


2024-09-06 21:02

reporter   ~0028964

Hey! I was able to make me some time and checked the issue. I focused in the behavior that I mentioned in the description, where the issue is produced when I change a parameter using a VST3 GUI control. The issue shows as audio clicks and high dsp load (measured in the Ardour meter), specifically when using Yabridge under Linux, some Windows VST3 plugin and a very low buffer size configured in Ardour. Regardless of that audio defect, the analysis of the behavior shows multiple unnecessary calls from host to plugin for all VST3 plugins on Ardour. So I tried to identify the root cause of each "extra" call and here are my results.

First of all, I'm assuming that if the plugin calls the host notifying some change in a parameter (performEdit), we get that specific value in the notification. So if that value comes as "normalized" format and we need it in "plain" format, we only need to do one call to "normalizedToPlain" and that's it, no more calls are needed. I mean, we don't need to call "normalizedToPlain" again for the same values, neither we need to call "plainToNormalized", because the original call to "performEdit" already gave us the value as "plain", and neither we need to call "setNormalizedParam", because we are reacting to an initial event where a parameter was set from the plugin GUI, so we don't need to set a value that is already setted.

I got stacktraces for each call to a Steinberg::VST3PI object when a parameter was modified from a control in the plugin GUI. I identified 7 different calls enumerated in You can see that sometimes the same method is called but from a different source, thats why I assigned a number for each call. With this calls identified, I did some research in Ardour code and I could determine 4 reasons to understand the calls and I have some code changes to propose for each.

Call 1 is a necessary "normalizedParamToPlain" call. It is directly called from "performEdit" method and it is needed to transform the value from "plain" to "normalized". This shouldn't be changed.

So, the extra calls and their reasons:

Reason 1 - Produces call 2 and 3
A fix is proposed in commit of my merge request.
Here, when an OnParameterChange singal is emitted with a VST3PI::ValueChange or VST3PI::ParamValueChanged value, there is a call to "Plugin::parameter_changed_externally(param, value)" method. This method definition has its second argument (float value) ignored and it always trigger a "get_parameter(which)" call. I think that this is not needed. We should not ignore the second argument, because it already has the value that we want, and therefore we don't need to call "get_parameter" (method "VSTPlugin::parameter_changed_externally(uint32_t which, float value)" in ardour/libs/ardour/ is defined in that way).

Reason 2 - Produces call 4 and 5
A fix is proposed in commit of my merge request.
This calls are originated in method "ProcessorEntry::Control::control_changed()" at ardour/gtk2_ardour/ That's because the signal Controllable::Changed is emitted without the corresponding control value. This is not the general case for each object that inherits from Controllable but I think that it makes sense to emit the signal with the value because it is part of the context of the event. In my code I modified the signal to accept one more argument and I used boost::none for the cases that I though that there are no relevant value to send with the signal (that's because it is an optional double value).
Also I changed "ProcessorEntry::Control::set_tooltip" si it can receive the control value as an argument, and we save another call to Control->get_value

Reason 3 - Produces call 6
A fix is proposed in commit of my merge request.
Here, when an OnParameterChange singal is emitted with a VST3PI::ValueChange, method "VST3Plugin::parameter_change_handler" adds the modified parameter to a queue. That queue is later consumed at "VST3Plugin::connect_and_run" (in the audio processing thread) and triggers a "Steinberg::VST3PI::set_parameter" call. I think that this is a case where we are setting something that is already setted, so I think that we can ignore the addition of the parameter to the queue, and because is the only line in the switch of "parameter_change_handler" for the value "VST3PI::ValueChange", I replaced the signal emission to use VST3PI::ParamValueChanged.

Reason 4 - Produces call 7
A fix is proposed in commit of my merge request.
Here, when the "performEdit" happends, the modified parameter is flaged in the _update_ctrl vector. Later, when "VST3PI::update_contoller_param" is called from a kind of "super rapid UI Timer" located in method "VST3PluginUI::start_updating" in the file "ardour/gtk2_ardour/", it set the param again. So I understand that this is not needed (because we are setting something already setted) and it don't have any other effect. I followed the code to understand it, made different tests on Ardour GUI and there is no changes in the expected behavior on the controls of the plugin (plugin GUI, ardour processor box, automation).


So that is my analysis and code to fix the issue. With this changes we only get one call from host to plugin, to the method "normalizedToPlain".

I have experience as software developer but no so much with C/C++ neither contributing to open source projects, so feel free to make me any kind of comments please, I will be glad to apply your suggestions or think another ways to address a solution.

I did the changes in separated commits trying to do it more easily to review. Each commit has working code. I manually tested the entire merge request and I found everything working fine. Parameters are updated as expected (or at least as I think that is expected :) ). Automation works. Writing automation works. Processor controls get updated when changing from plugin GUI and vice versa.

Thank you for developing and mantaining such a magnific and complex piece of software!


2024-09-06 21:03

reporter   ~0028965

Link to Merge/Pull Request:


2024-09-07 01:25

administrator   ~0028966

Nice bit of detective work! Thanks!

I've commented on the pull request, reviewing there is easier.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-25 04:21 bonsembiante New Issue
2024-01-25 04:21 bonsembiante File Added: 20240124_22-21_ardour-dbg-8.2.85_master_warmy_dsp-load.png
2024-01-25 04:21 bonsembiante File Added: 20240124_22-35_ardour-dbg-8.2.85_modded_warmy_dsp-load.png
2024-01-25 04:21 bonsembiante File Added: audio_device_config.png
2024-01-25 04:21 bonsembiante File Added: warmy_screenshot.png
2024-01-25 04:25 bonsembiante Note Added: 0028472
2024-01-25 04:27 bonsembiante Tag Attached: VST3
2024-01-25 04:27 bonsembiante Tag Attached: performance
2024-01-25 04:27 bonsembiante Tag Attached: latency
2024-01-25 04:33 x42 Note Added: 0028473
2024-01-25 04:44 x42 Note Added: 0028474
2024-01-25 05:22 bonsembiante Note Added: 0028475
2024-01-25 17:37 x42 Note Added: 0028476
2024-09-06 21:02 bonsembiante Note Added: 0028964
2024-09-06 21:03 bonsembiante Note Added: 0028965
2024-09-07 01:25 x42 Note Added: 0028966