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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008315ardourbugspublic2020-07-26 02:18
Reportermuzikermammoth Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version6.2 
Summary0008315: In the editor list, don't disable spacebar for starting play transport
DescriptionThis is probably a feature rather than a bug, but:

In ardour, shift-L brings up the editor list where a few other tabs exist. When this pane has focus, spacebar is used to toggle the last button pressed instead of the starting the transport. This has led to instances where the master track or some other track is muted accidentally when trying to start the transport. Is there a reason why spacebar is remapped to some other function in this case?

The other observation is that when this panel has focus, the user has no visual way of knowing that this is the case, which leads to wondering why the spacebar has been disabled. Just pointing out from a user experience perspective, any changes in shortcuts or way of working based on which mode the software is in should have some kind of visual cue.
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2020-07-26 02:18

administrator   ~0024810

This is a very legitimate request/bug report. However, fixing it will be a lot more complex than you probably imagine. We give focus to the treeview that is used in most of the those tabs (notably the Tracks/Busses one) so that the user can use the keyboard to navigate there, change names and so on and so forth. The GUI toolkit uses the spacebar to toggle toggleable controls as a default use of the spacebar in a treeview like this. Stealing away *just* the spacebar so that it doesn't perform what the GUI toolkit would normally do with it is non-trivial, but I will look into it.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-07-17 17:30 muzikermammoth New Issue
2020-07-26 02:18 paul Note Added: 0024810