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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005547ardourbugspublic2013-06-29 11:13
Reporterotherone23 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version3.0 
Summary0005547: mmc shuttle control will stall cpu and lock X if not set to 1x when recording from 0:00:00
DescriptionThat's the best I can describe it. Surely a bizarre one. If using MMC to shuttle around and you stop the shuttling by rewinding to zero and then try to record, the system locks HARD. panic in comm.c. Happens every time. Doesn't happen if start marker is forward of 0:00, or if the MMC shuttle is reset to 1x.

how's that old joke go? "doctor, my ARM bugs me when i move it like this" "well, use a debugger!"
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2013-06-24 21:07

administrator   ~0015048

"panic in comm.c" is not anything i recognize ....


2013-06-29 03:23

reporter   ~0015064

meh i'm having the issue pop up in a few different places now. if it can't be reproduced by anyone else just close it for now. apologies for the lack of a better description.


2013-06-29 09:41

reporter   ~0015065

OK recompiled my kernel turning full preempt off and using base preempt only. turned on RCU priority boost with a value of 20 (it looks like ardour runs with 18?) I _THINK_ it put a stop to the above error (incorrectly put after too much bleary eyed hacking). More properly: it was an RCU cpu stalled error that was either causing or reporting the stone cold lockup.

HOWEVER, the initial problem mentioned still persists in various fashions. Under 3.1 I have little problem (aside from an odd error about not enough disk speed when shuttling around to/from 0:00:00 only---
 but with 3.2 when trying to go 100% reverse, often times the playhead will move backward while the music plays foward, and after a few seconds it then reverses direction properly. I have no idea if the playhead is even in sync at that point; it appears to not be.

3.1 works flawlessly in that regard.

 I wish I could help further with a dump of some sort but I'm not there yet in terms of capability. Just trying to get a basic live CD down so I have something solid to work with before I start digging in.


2013-06-29 10:39

reporter   ~0015067

shuttle reverse problem appearing again in 3.1. (playing audio forwards while playhead goes backwards) it was gone for awhile though. if this doesn't get fixed peripherally i'll try and come up with an example in C w/alsa that triggers it.

in the mean time 800 strings need replacing and i could use a shower and some air.

throw this way low on the list until someone else notes it. it might be my specific implementation of MMC shuttle that is highlighting what is otherwise not necessarily an issue that would crop up.


2013-06-29 11:13

administrator   ~0015068

Last edited: 2013-06-29 11:14

you're extremely confused if you think that this has anythng to do with ALSA.

EDIT: hmm. well, maybe the panic message does, for sure. but not the playback issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-06-24 14:49 otherone23 New Issue
2013-06-24 21:07 paul Note Added: 0015048
2013-06-29 03:23 otherone23 Note Added: 0015064
2013-06-29 09:41 otherone23 Note Added: 0015065
2013-06-29 10:39 otherone23 Note Added: 0015067
2013-06-29 11:13 paul Note Added: 0015068
2013-06-29 11:14 paul Note Edited: 0015068