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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009906ardourotherpublic2025-03-23 17:50
Reporterivest Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformGNU LinuxOSopenSUSEOS VersionTumbleweed
Product Version8.12 
Summary0009906: Compilation of Ardour 8.12 fails because Boost 1.87 requires C++14

I've tried to compile Ardour 8.12 on openSUSE Tumbleweed but it fails due to the mandatory requirement of C++14 in Boost 1.87, which uses things like std::is_final in its module Math (possibly other modules, too).
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2025-03-23 17:29

reporter   ~0029236

I cannot back that up. not sure what's happening for you, but here on current TW, Ardour 8.12 compiles just fine for me locally and in OBS
The rpm we maintain in GeekosDaw hasn't been updated yet, but today I found why it had failed (I'm not actively maintaining it), the waf configure command included the --cxx11 option.


2025-03-23 17:50

administrator   ~0029237

Last edited: 2025-03-23 17:50

Since Ardour 8.10 a compiler with C++17 support is required.

If the compiler does not support this by default, you can request it by configuring with `./waf configure --cxx17`

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-17 07:15 ivest New Issue
2025-03-23 17:29 edogawa Note Added: 0029236
2025-03-23 17:50 x42 Note Added: 0029237
2025-03-23 17:50 x42 Note Edited: 0029237