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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009885ardourbugspublic2025-01-29 12:26
Reportertapirath Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformDebian GNUOSLinuxOS Version(any)
Product Version8.10 
Summary0009885: Unwanted automatic routing to device ports
DescriptionI have 2 audio interfaces in my computer. When I create an advanced manual session in 8.10 in debian unstable with pipewire-jack setup, ardour automatically connects metronome, auditioner and master bus output to random playback ports of these 2 devices. It's always a mix of the 2 interfaces and mostly random.

The biggest problem is, even if I fix it in Audio Connections menu and save the session, next time it's ignored and again it's routed to random devices. Not my tracks or input just the metronome, auditioner and muster bus output.

I've asked this in pipewire channels and the main dev told me pipewire or wireplumber won't touch any jack clients so the problem should be on Ardour side in theory.
Steps To ReproduceCreate a new advanced manual session.
Remove all output routes
Save session and quit Ardour
Load the saved session and notice that the deleted routes are there again.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-29 12:26 tapirath New Issue