View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009733ardourbugspublic2024-06-28 21:17
Reportersamuelhannapp Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformMicrosoftOSWindowsOS Version11
Product Version8.6 
Summary0009733: OSC strip selection with 0
DescriptionIn the documentation it says:
/strip/select ssid y/n Where y/n = 1 for select. Sets both GUI select and strip to expanded mode. (0 is ignored)

But I have to use a 0 to select a strip. If I use a 1 nothing will happen.
Steps To ReproduceIf this message is send: /strip/select i:1 i:1
Or this message is send: /strip/select i:2 i:1
   -> nothing will happen

If this message is send: /strip/select i:1 i:0
Or this message is send: /strip/select i:2 i:0
    ->the strip will be selected in the osc controller and in the gui



2024-06-28 09:15

reporter   ~0028806

This is a duplicate of (which I literally submitted yesterday, what are the odds...).


2024-06-28 21:17

reporter   ~0028809

Thats crazy, I didn't see it before

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-28 05:27 samuelhannapp New Issue
2024-06-28 05:27 samuelhannapp Tag Attached: osc
2024-06-28 09:15 matthijskooijman Note Added: 0028806
2024-06-28 21:17 samuelhannapp Note Added: 0028809