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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008638ardourbugspublic2024-06-28 09:18
ReporterHiddenUser Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformUbuntuOSLinuxOS Version(any)
Product Version6.6 
Summary0008638: OSC sends "/cancel_all_solos" after "/strip/solo 1 1" message
Descriptionif solo at channel 1 is klicked, OSC sends: "/strip/solo 1 1" and then "/cancel_all_solos".
This cancels the selected solo.
Steps To Reproduceklick at solo button with OSC active. Feedback set to 0x1b
Additional InformationIn 6.5.0, 6.6.0 and source from today

solo klicked -> on
>received: /strip/solo 1 1
>received: /cancel_all_solos
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2024-06-28 09:18

reporter   ~0028807

I think this is intentional behavior, ardour tells your application that there are solos that can be canceled (so the "cancel" button can light up in forward feedback). See also

> /cancel_all_solos state Where state true indicates there are active solos that can be canceled.

This should not cause the solo to cancel by itself, unless your application mirrors the message back to ardour, which would be a bug.

I would suggest closing this as not a bug.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-03-24 16:02 HiddenUser New Issue
2024-06-28 09:18 matthijskooijman Note Added: 0028807