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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005103ardourbugspublic2012-09-15 12:15
Reportercolinf Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Target Version3.0 
Summary0005103: Sends and busses in sessions imported from A2 not right
DescriptionI imported an Ardour 2 session with a bus for reverb, and sends to that bus from a couple of tracks.

Obviously the sends created in A2 are external (jack) sends, but when the session is imported into A3, although the sends appear in the channel processor box, they neither have any jack outputs, nor any internal connection to the bus to which they were originally externally connected.

Setting up new internal sends from the channels with these sends doesn't work, either. The busses imported from the A2 session don't show up in the context menu of 'New Aux Send' destinations, so to recreate the original A2 session's routing you have to create a new bus and drag the plugins across from the old one, and then set up a 'New Aux Send' to the new bus for each channel.
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has duplicate 0005563 new Routing and levels to aux busses in sessions imported from Ardour 2 is lost, and those busses can't have internal sends 



2012-09-11 18:20

updater   ~0014014

Also, it looks like the levels of the sends are all reset to 0.0 dB, so you can't even look at the levels of the non-working imported sends to set the levels of the new internal aux sends the same.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-09-11 18:01 colinf New Issue
2012-09-11 18:20 colinf Note Added: 0014014
2012-09-15 12:15 cth103 cost => 0.00
2012-09-15 12:15 cth103 Target Version => 3.0
2013-07-05 17:35 colinf Relationship added has duplicate 0005563