View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009690ardourbugspublic2024-07-18 16:43
Reporterpiergi Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformDebian GNUOSLinuxOS Version(any)
Product Version8.6 
Summary0009690: Tempo ramp after BBT marker do not work
DescriptionHaving a tempo ramp after a BBT marker do not work, and there are graphic inconsistencies: the tempo ruler shows the new tempo, but the measure length and the tempo button in the top bar do not change. After the second tempo marker appears another blue line, as if the two tempo were overlapping (see screenshot).
Steps To ReproduceStart a new session; place a BBT marker (a new tempo marker is set automatically); place a tempo marker somewhere after the BBT, with a different tempo; right-click on the tempo marker on the BBT and set to "rampp to next".
Additional InformationArdour 8.6.0 "Kite Stories" (rev 8.6) Intel 64-bit, downloaded from
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-04-15 16:50


image.png (151,894 bytes)   
image.png (151,894 bytes)   


2024-04-17 15:24

reporter   ~0028662

I tried adding a BBT *after* having added a tempo ramp.

1. New Tempo at bar 17 (marker 1)
2. new tempo at bar 24, set to 200 BPM
3. edit marker 1, set ramped
4. add a BBT marker at bar 17
5. the tempo map get really confused: there are extra grid lines, and —although the markers are set to 120 to 200 BPM—the tempo goes up to 0000127:0000383 BPM.


2024-04-17 15:26

reporter   ~0028663

point 5 above should read "the tempo goes up to circa 383 BPM"


2024-05-24 16:30

reporter   ~0028741

Hi Piergi,
I'm not a developer but I've been experiencing the same problem so I started to poke around in order to fix it.
BBT markers are stored in the session file (session_name.ardour) under <MusicTimes> with the following format...

      <MusicTime sclock="1693440000" quarters="12:0" bbt="1|1|0" name="A">
        <Tempo npm="120" enpm="60" note-type="4" type="Ramped" locked-to-meter="0" continuing="0" active="1"/>
        <Meter note-value="4" divisions-per-bar="4"/>

In the example above there is one BBT marker called A (name="A") and I set it to "Ramp to next" so it should slow down from 120bpm to 60bpm. I've found that in order to work as expected it needs to define a parameter called omega (I think it is some sort of rate of change).
If I manually add omega="-4.4288548752834465e-10" at the end of the line <Tempo, then it works perfectly. The new section would look like this:

      <MusicTime sclock="1693440000" quarters="12:0" bbt="1|1|0" name="A">
        <Tempo npm="120" enpm="60" note-type="4" type="Ramped" locked-to-meter="0" continuing="0" active="1" omega="-4.4288548752834465e-10"/>
        <Meter note-value="4" divisions-per-bar="4"/>

Of course, I'm not capable of deploying a solution but I hope this comment might be helpful.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-15 16:50 piergi New Issue
2024-04-15 16:50 piergi File Added: image.png
2024-04-17 15:24 piergi Note Added: 0028662
2024-04-17 15:24 piergi File Added: Screenshot from 2024-04-17 17-17-50.png
2024-04-17 15:26 piergi Note Added: 0028663
2024-05-24 16:30 L_Pro Note Added: 0028741