WARNING: Your system has a limit for maximum amount of locked memory! This might cause Ardour to run out of memory before your system runs out of memory. You can view the memory limit with 'ulimit -l', and it is normally controlled by /etc/security/limits.conf Ardour/GTK 2.7.1 (kompiliert mit Version 4296 und GCC Version4.3.2) Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Paul Davis Einige Teile Copyright (C) Steve Harris, Ari Johnson, Brett Viren, Joel Baker Ardour wird Ihnen ohne jegliche Gewährleistung und ausdrücklich ohne die Zusicherung für allgemeine oder spezielle Gebrauchstauglichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt. Dies ist freie Software und Sie dürfen sie gerne weiterverbreiten, solange Sie sich an die Bedingungen, die in der Datei COPYING aufgeführt sind halten. lade voreingestellte UI-Konfigurationsdatei /home/musiker/x86-64/ardour2-debug/etc/ardour2/ardour2_ui_default.conf lade benutzerdefinierte UI-Konfigurationsdatei /home/musiker/.ardour2/ardour2_ui.conf Loading ui configuration file /home/musiker/x86-64/ardour2-debug/etc/ardour2/ardour2_ui_dark.rc theme_init() called from internal clearlooks engine ardour: [INFO]: Ardour will be limited to 1024 open files loading system configuration file /home/musiker/x86-64/ardour2-debug/etc/ardour2/ardour_system.rc loading user configuration file /home/musiker/.ardour2/ardour.rc ardour: [INFO]: Using SSE optimized routines rdf_query.c:455: (librdf_query_execute) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query is NULL. rdf_query_results.c:100: (librdf_query_results_finished) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query_results is NULL. rdf_query_results.c:245: (librdf_free_query_results) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query_results is NULL. rdf_query.c:389: (librdf_free_query) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query is NULL. rdf_query.c:455: (librdf_query_execute) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query is NULL. rdf_query_results.c:100: (librdf_query_results_finished) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query_results is NULL. rdf_query_results.c:245: (librdf_free_query_results) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query_results is NULL. rdf_query.c:389: (librdf_free_query) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query is NULL. rdf_query.c:455: (librdf_query_execute) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query is NULL. rdf_query_results.c:100: (librdf_query_results_finished) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query_results is NULL. rdf_query.c:389: (librdf_free_query) assertion failed: object pointer of type librdf_query is NULL. ardour: [INFO]: looking for control protocols in /home/musiker/.ardour2/surfaces/:/home/musiker/x86-64/ardour2-debug/lib64/ardour2/surfaces/ ardour: [INFO]: Control protocol Tranzport not usable powermate: Opening of powermate failed - Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden ardour: [INFO]: Control protocol powermate not usable ardour: [INFO]: Control surface protocol discovered: "Generic MIDI" ardour: [INFO]: Control surface protocol discovered: "Mackie" (ardour-2.7.1:26733): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated (ardour-2.7.1:26733): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated (ardour-2.7.1:26733): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated (ardour-2.7.1:26733): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated loading bindings from /home/musiker/x86-64/ardour2-debug/etc/ardour2/mnemonic-us.bindings Loading session /home/musiker/test-crash/ using snapshot test-crash (1) (process:26733): GLib-ERROR (recursed) **: gmem.c:156: failed to allocate 2032 bytes aborting... Abgebrochen (core dumped)