2023-07-26T14:24:43 [INFO]: AlsaAudioBackend: adjusted output channel count to match device. 2023-07-26T14:24:43 [INFO]: AlsaAudioBackend: adjusted input channel count to match device. 2023-07-26T14:24:44 [INFO]: Scanning folders for bundled LV2s: /opt/Ardour-7.5.199-dbg/lib/LV2 2023-07-26T14:24:46 [INFO]: Disabled LinuxVST scan (safe mode) 2023-07-26T14:24:46 [INFO]: Disabled VST3 scan (safe mode) 2023-07-26T14:24:47 [INFO]: xjadeo version: 0.8.12 2023-07-26T14:24:47 [INFO]: harvid version: 901 2023-07-26T14:24:48 [INFO]: Loading menus from /opt/Ardour-7.5.199-dbg/etc/ardour.menus 2023-07-26T14:24:49 [ERROR]: ardour::connect: Invalid Source port: (ardour:Bus 1/audio_out 1) 2023-07-26T14:24:49 [ERROR]: ardour::connect: Invalid Source port: (ardour:bv/audio_out 1) 2023-07-26T14:24:49 [ERROR]: ardour::connect: Invalid Source port: (ardour:Bus 1/audio_out 2) 2023-07-26T14:24:49 [ERROR]: ardour::connect: Invalid Source port: (ardour:bv/audio_out 2) 2023-07-26T14:24:49 [INFO]: Loading user ui scripts file /home/mel/.config/ardour7/ui_scripts 2023-07-26T14:24:49 [INFO]: Loading plugin order file /home/mel/.config/ardour7/plugin_metadata/plugin_order 2023-07-26T14:24:51 [INFO]: Loading history from /home/mel/Music/Audio/endInTears/endInTears.history 2023-07-26T14:27:43 [WARNING]: Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter Ignored automation data for non-automatable parameter g_log: Input method gtk-im-context-simple should not use GTK's translation domain gtk20 2023-07-26T14:27:46 [WARNING]: g_log: Input method gtk-im-context-simple should not use GTK's translation domain gtk20