$ ./waf configure --prefix ~/bin/ardour-git Setting top to : /home/v/ardour Setting out to : /home/v/ardour/build Checking for 'gcc' (c compiler) : /usr/lib64/ccache/gcc Checking for 'g++' (c++ compiler) : /usr/lib64/ccache/g++ Global Configuration * Install prefix : /home/v/bin/ardour-git * Debuggable build : True * Build documentation : False Ardour Configuration * Will build against private GTK dependency stack : no * Will rely on libintl built into libc : yes * Will build against private Ardour dependency stack : no Checking for function dlopen : yes Checking for boost library >= 1.39 : ok Checking for program pkg-config : /usr/bin/pkg-config Checking for 'alsa' : yes Checking for 'glib-2.0' >= 2.28 : yes Checking for 'gthread-2.0' >= 2.2 : yes Checking for 'glibmm-2.4' >= 2.32.0 : yes Checking for 'sndfile' >= 1.0.18 : yes Checking for 'giomm-2.4' >= 2.2 : yes Checking for 'libcurl' >= 7.0.0 : yes Checking for 'liblo' >= 0.26 : yes Checking for 'taglib' >= 1.6 : yes Checking for 'vamp-sdk' >= 2.1 : yes Checking for 'vamp-hostsdk' >= 2.1 : yes Checking for 'rubberband' : yes Checking for sndfile RF64=>RIFF support : Not found, no RF64-to-WAV support Checking for clang : no Checking for 'fftw3f' : yes Checking for 'aubio' >= 0.3.2 : yes Checking for 'aubio' >= 0.4.0 : not found Checking for 'libxml-2.0' : yes Checking for 'sigc++-2.0' >= 2.0 : yes Checking for function getmntent : yes Checking for header execinfo.h : yes Checking for header unistd.h : yes Checking for function posix_memalign : yes Checking for function localtime_r : yes Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for 'cppunit' >= 1.12.0 : not found Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for header cwiid.h : not found You are missing the cwiid headers needed to compile wiimote support Checking for 'jack' >= 0.121.0 : yes Checking for JACK metadata API : ok Checking for jack_port_rename() : not found (or broken). jack_port_rename() will not be used, and jack_port_set_name() will be used instead Checking for program gas,as,gcc : /usr/bin/as Checking for 'lrdf' >= 0.4.0 : yes Checking for 'samplerate' >= 0.1.0 : yes Checking for 'lv2' >= 1.0.0 : yes Checking for 'lv2' >= 1.2.0 : yes Checking for 'lv2' >= 1.10.0 : yes Checking for 'serd-0' >= 0.14.0 : yes Checking for 'sord-0' >= 0.8.0 : yes Checking for 'sratom-0' >= 0.2.0 : yes Checking for 'lilv-0' >= 0.14.0 : yes Checking for 'lilv-0' >= 0.16.0 : yes Checking for 'lilv-0' >= 0.19.2 : yes Checking for 'lilv-0' >= 0.21.3 : not found Checking for 'suil-0' >= 0.6.0 : yes Checking for 'ogg' >= 1.1.2 : yes Checking for 'flac' >= 1.2.1 : yes Checking for header sys/vfs.h : yes Checking for header sys/statvfs.h : yes Checking for header unistd.h : yes Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for header boost/scoped_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for header boost/ptr_container/ptr_list.hpp : yes Checking for 'gtkmm-2.4' >= 2.8 : yes Checking for 'gtk+-2.0' >= 2.12.1 : yes Checking for 'samplerate' >= 0.1.7 : yes Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for header boost/format.hpp : yes Checking for 'cairomm-1.0' >= 1.8.4 : yes Checking for 'lv2' >= 1.0.0 : yes Checking for 'gthread-2.0' >= 2.10.1 : yes Checking for 'gtk+-2.0' >= 2.18 : yes Checking for 'x11' >= 1.1 : yes Checking for 'fontconfig' : yes Checking for header boost/shared_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for header boost/weak_ptr.hpp : yes Checking for 'dbus-1' : yes * Build documentation : False * Debuggable build : True * Export all symbols (backtrace) : False * Install prefix : /home/v/bin/ardour-git * Strict compiler flags : [] * Internal Shared Libraries : True * Use External Libraries : False * Library exports hidden : True * ALSA Backend : False * ALSA DBus Reservation : True * Architecture flags : None * Aubio : True * AudioUnits : False * Free/Demo copy : False * Build target : x86_64 * CoreAudio : False * CoreAudio/Midi Backend : False * Debug RT allocations : False * Debug Symbols : True * Dummy backend : False * Process thread timing : False * Denormal exceptions : False * FLAC : True * FPU optimization : True * Freedesktop files : False * JACK Backend : True * Libjack linking : link * Libjack metadata : True * LV2 UI embedding : True * LV2 support : True * LXVST support : True * OGG : True * Phone home : True * Program name : Ardour * Samplerate : True * PT format : False * Translation : True * Unit tests : False * Mac i386 Architecture : False * Mac ppc Architecture : False * Waves Backend : False * Windows VST support : False * Wiimote support : False * Windows key : Mod4>